Dora Tass is born in Rome. She is an anthropologist and a visual artist, resides in Santa Fe (New Mexico) and Rome (Italy). She describes her attitude in art as an adventure between Nature and History;  growing up in Italy surrounded by classical archeology influenced her multifaceted practice of art, as well as the wild nature experienced in her childhood when she lived and travelled in South America with her family.

She works with different medium such as holographic light artworks, large paintings and drawings, metal sculptures, crossing boundaries of recognized media. Using multiple media helps to expand consciousness. She combines visual art and words, logos, discourse, to create new ways of interpreting Visual Poetry. A sort of visual poetry extended to different uses and artistic practices, ranging from objects of analogue communication, to artists' books, to graffiti and Latin epigraphy, to large painting expressed as large pages of children's comics.  Painting ad drawing was her main focused but lately she was captured by holograms as light art medium as part of her artworks. She was invited at the 54 Venice Biennale in the Italian Pavilion, displaying her holographic assemblage Perturbing Objects. This opportunity gives her a kick to join the MIT in 2012 for the ISDH, International Symposium of Display Holography, and one of her holographic artworks exhibited at the Biennale was selected for the show at the MIT MUSEUM. At the MIT Symposium  she met the international community of holographer that she describes as “an ethnic group of light catcher that moves in between art and science”. She met the holographic light artist August Muth, who invited her in his lab. the Light Foundry in Santa Fe. She was totally captured by the quality of light that August Muth’s unique technique developed, and they collaborated in some projects. Since then she has been creating her Light Artworks in the Light Foundry Studio with August Muth, a pioneer master of reflection Holograms, in Santa Fe.

Interview about her light artworks is published on LUCEWEB MILANO, by Jacqueline Ceresoli. Maggio 2023

Master of Arts degree in HUMANITIES, "Cultural Anthropology and Art" at La Sapienza University of Rome (Italy).
She is a self thought learning in visual art, and an expert in martial arts, she played for the Karate Italian National team during her College. 

Public Collection.

2013. MIT MUSEUM, opera "Perturbing Object". Massachusetts Institute of Technology.USA
2011. MART MUSEUM, Rovereto, opera “Hyperbook Boundary”. Italy
2007. Biblioteca Comunale San Giorgio , opera ”Libro Ambiente”. Italy.
Selected Exhibitions 

2024. New York Center For the Holographic Light Art, NY.

2024. Granada Gallery, Tucson AZ.

2023. Gallery 286 London.

2021. Currents Galler, Santa Fe, NM US

2021 Currents New Media Festival, CCA Santa Fe, NM US.

2022. Fabio Orlandi Studio, Roma.

2020. Currents New Media Festival, CCA Santa Fe, New Mexico.

Light Windows by Holocenter NY.

2018. MACRO Museum “Think like a Photon” Rome, Italy. "

2018. OM THE SPOT by Olivia Mariotti “Think like a Photon” Rome, Italy.

2018. Aveiro City Museum,  Portugal

2018. Rosso 27 Gallery." Art is Money- Money is Art", Rome. Italy

2017. BAG Bocconi Art Gallery, Milan. Italy

2017. Currents New Media Festival, Santa Fe New Mexico.USA

2017. MIA Photo Fair. Milan, Italy.

2016. MIA Photo Fair. Milan, Italy.

2014. BONHAMS, "A Contemporary Edge" London. |

  54th Venice Biennale, Italian Pavilion /Tese delle Vergini all'Arsenale. 2011
          Chosen by Bernardo Bertolucci to present her holographic light artworks.

 2012/13. MIT Museum.The Jeweled Net: Views of Contemporary Holography. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. USA

ISDH.International Symposium of Display Holography

2011. MART Museum ,“Poesia Visiva” La donazione Bentivoglio. Curated by Daniela Ferrari. Museo di Arte Moderna e Contemporanea di Trento e Rovereto,  Italy.2011. Nopx|artbook . International contest of Artist Book. Torino
2011. Documents 06. ArtMbassy Berlin 2011- Contact: Modì /Tass. Curated by Enrica Torelli Landini.  Palazzo Taverna, Roma.
2010."Premium Sinestesie", Aquila. Italy
2010. "One Minute Tree", curated by Elisa Resegotti, Pianamola.Italy
2010. "20 Libristi", curated by Mirella Bentivoglio, Galleria Cortese & Lisanti, Roma.
2008.  “SPQR” by Pino Casagrande eChiara Marzi, ArtMbassy, Berlin||  "Quasi Pagine", curated by Paolo Tesi, Biblioteca San Giorgio Pistoia. Italy.2006. "OutArt", curated by Eleonora Sgaravatti, Villa dei Quintili, Rome.
ARTS RESIDENCY.   2012. Center for the Holographic Arts of New York.

 BROADCAST TELEVISION: 2008. RAI TRE public tv station ARTNEWS Dora Tass “ The Making of “

|| RAI UNO 30 min. “Tracce d’arte” Magazzini Einstein.2008.“quasi-pagine”/1641/default.aspx
 Reference letters by Bernardo Bertolucci and Seth Riskin for the AAR residency program in Roma.